Thursday Update #27

Christmas In The Vines

We have a vested interest in the success of this venture as we are one of the three recipients of profits. The weather is creating some anxiety. I received the following email this morning:

Some of you in the area may have noticed a little bit of wet weather, as I type ‘River’ Vineyard is becoming a ‘River’ once again BUT never fear we have a wet weather plan!

We have an Ark…… 8m long by 4m wide by 3m high inflatable Noah’s Ark….however Julie has just told me that an inflatable Ark is not a very ‘professional’ wet weather strategy for Christmas in the Vines…..if the rain continues I think it will be very practical!

The weather forecasts for Sunday look OK! Sunday Morning Temperature: 14°C  Sunny with cloudy periods, Sunday Afternoon Temperature: 17°C Sunny with cloudy periods with a slight chance of showers.

So we look good to go however should the weather not cooperate I will make a call by 9am Sunday morning and send a mass email out to cancel the event, I would ask that you in turn let your contacts know.

The event and line up for Christmas in the Vines 2011 is looking great with performers from around the district including Mirage Middle Eastern Dancers, Pumice Valley Whoopee Band, Sweet Az Jazz, Jake Taewa and his band, Clint Green with Friends and Lois to name just a few!

For the kids we have the GIANT inflatable Noah’s Ark and the slightly older kids we have the Turangi Wild Bull Ride…..can you tame him?

Come and check out Coastgurad Turangi who will have their display caravan on site, thinking of a new or used car? Come and see the Taupo Motor Company who will have a display of the latest Suzuki cars.

Planning on getting married then come and meet Donna of Taupo Weddings to see how she can make you day extra special!

Got something to sell? Bring your unwanted stuff, bric a brac or craft items and for a gold coin donation rent a table to sell your stuff and make a few bucks before Christmas, tables are limited!

Don’t forget the first ever District Chicken Races……we will have chickens to ‘borrow’ if you don’t have one however bring your own if you can, we will have holding pens and chickens will race within a chicken wire arena, for a gold coin donation you could be in with a chance to win a gold pair of chicken feet…….not real gold!

The Lamb Spit Roast, Candy Floss, Pop corn, Ice Cream, BBQ and hot potatoes are sure to go down well!

Best of all come and relax, laugh, have fun, meet your friends, neighbours, community and help raise funds for three very worth while causes with direct benefit to our community, Coastguard Turangi, Turangi Playground and Tongariro Cycle & Walking Track!

See you on Sunday down at River Vineyard!

Please visit Vine Aid on Facebook and ‘LIKE” our page

DoC’s fishing report.

This fishery is managed by the Department of Conservation (DoC) and until now they have not updated angler’s on the fishery as they see matters. This has changed and the fishery is now on the DoC website. The secret is easy access to the site.

and in the search option put in Taupo Trout Fishery.

In column 1 is the Fishing Report which covers the whole of the fishery as against our interest, the Tongariro River.

I am unable tonight to comment on the fishing in the Tongariro River and have chosen to copy DoC’s report for December for the Tongariro River.

Fishing the Tongariro

Once these fish have finished spawning they slowly make their way downstream and barring any major floods during early summer can provide some good sport on the dry fly during the evening rise. A small dry fly such as a Griffiths Gnat or an Adam’s dry has been working well from 8.30pm until dark especially in the lower reaches of the Tongariro River. Generally the small fish start rising first but as darkness falls a mixture of fresh run rainbows, resident fish and spent fish can be caught during the numerous mayfly and caddis hatches. A deer hair sedge skated across the surface at the tail of a pool often produces results on dark.

With the upper reaches of the main rivers now open for fishing since the 1st of December, a dry fly and dropper set-up can also be productive during the day. A bushy dry fly becomes your indicator in the low and clear conditions and fish will actively take the small nymph hanging below on a short trace. Once again, the majority of these fish will have just finished spawning and so are not suitable for eating but nevertheless put up a sporting fight on light gear. Check your licence or refer to the Taupo Fishery regulations to see what areas are now open to fishing.

Tongariro at Turangi – 1 Month River-flow

The river has moved into flood, we have had to 9.00pm tonight 63.8mm and expect more rain overnight. Floods at this time of the year are expected.

Next Update and Christmas Greetings

Our next update will be in January.

I thank our members for your support and wish our members and readers a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year (with more and bigger fish).

Iwould also like to thank our web manager, Mike Forret for his continual help to me in putting these updates together.

I also thank all stakeholders with whom we have established a cordial working relationship


Eric Wilson
